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Palm Sago Starch (Indache Peet)


Palm Sago Starch is harvested from the trunk of the Caryota urens tree, which is as organic as you can get. Besides being a great body coolant, it is an effective remedy for upset stomachs. Palm Sago Starch (or Indache Peet as it is called in Konkani) is used in traditional Mangalorean puddings and desserts like Mani. Indache Peet is often served to nursing mothers, in order to cool the body from a surfeit of excessively heaty food that follows child-birth!

Evidence from archaeological sites suggest that the sago-type palms were an important plant food prior to the advent of rice cultivation. With the dwindling count of sago palm trees, the Starch is an increasingly hard to come by food. So enjoy it while it lasts- there isn't much more coming your way unless serious conservation efforts finally yield fruit.

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